Discover... Czafari.

Image Credit: Emily Hebe Mitchell

Image Credit: Emily Hebe Mitchell

Czafari., chats to WFA about her latest single: “I Want”, which she describes as a song which “shares an important message of individuality and self-confidence.” It’s definitely a song which inspires you to take control of your life and live it the way you want to. Read more below.


Firstly, how have you been this past year and a half, during the pandemic?

I mean it’s been such a rollercoaster, many highs and lows. To keep my spirits up on bad days has probably been the hardest part, especially knowing I was not able to do the things I love like performing or being out with my family and friends. Although it has been hard, I have thoroughly enjoyed taking the time to slow down and reflect on myself and my goals.


You’ve been making music for a few years now, what was your initial motivation to create music? 

My initial motivation to create music was due to not having the access to do music at school or through education. I was about 17 studying [towards] my A-Levels and needed an outlet to be creative so I put my love for songwriting and performing together to essentially become “Czafari.” I felt like it was something that I always longed to do. A calling almost. 

You’re based in Birmingham, a city full of many talented artists, do you feel like Birmingham is getting the recognition it deserves from the music industry? 

Slowly but surely yes. Birmingham has always had such amazing artists but I also feel like the opportunities haven’t always been there. Things like social media are allowing artists to network a lot easier now, creating opportunities for themselves. 

Times are changing but I really do believe, it isn’t all about how talented you are or what you know, it's who you know. 

Talk us through your latest single “I Want”. You say it shares an important message about “individuality and self-confidence” — how did this song come to be? 

After becoming a mom I lacked a lot of self-confidence and stopped believing in myself for months. The fatigue stops encouraging you and you have to put your energy towards your child. ‘I Want’ was written for myself as a list of positive affirmations to encourage myself. The first line of the song is “It’s been a while since I’ve been here” as this reflects my return to feeling like myself again. Not only was this song written for myself, it is for all to resonate with in times where they need help to manifest who they want to be and the things they want in life. Manifest manifest manifest! 

Can you talk more about your plans for 2021?

My plans are to perform a lot more but also to release a new EP, working and connecting with new producers. I also aim to take it easy and to not put too much pressure on myself this year. 

Lastly, what does Success mean to you? 

Success means being healthy mentally and physically. To be grateful for the things you currently have and happy about where you are in life. I think this happens at different stages in all of our lives.


Listen to Czafari’s latest single on Spotify